weight loss Wellness

Perfectionism Killed The Progress

I’ve had so many successes within the last 33 days that I’ve changed up my lifestyle.

-I’ve kept up with preparing healthy meals.

-I still haven’t had any sweets yet. (not to say that sweets are a bad thing. I’m simply in the middle of a no sweets challenge with my mom).

-I’m also enjoying 21 Day Fix Extreme so far.

In the midst of physical successes, I’ve had mental successes– or shall I say, realizations,– as well.

One of the biggest realizations I’ve learned is,

You can’t skip the process!

Furthermore, I’ve also learned that I’m a perfectionist by nature. Therefore, it has been extremely hard for me to understand the concept of “taking things one day at a time.”

The lack of this mindset has led me to failure over the years.

I have always known what my goals are. I have no problem with visualizing the results I hope for.

My problem lies within being so fixated on my goal that I couldn’t see anything else.

My problem lies within being so hyper focused on what I wanted to look like, that I failed to give myself grace.

My problem was perfectionism.

What is the antidote, you ask?

I had to realize that I can’t skip past the process…The process of change, patience, discipline, openness, and much more.

It has been a challenging road thus far of learning to not be so hard on myself, while on the way to my goal.

During my journey to unlearn perfectionism, I am realizing how beautiful this journey is and can be when I pay attention to what the process is teaching me, rather than impatiently waiting for the end result.

My therapist has advised that, “The journey is more important than the goal.” I’m starting to believe that!

A Word To The Reader

Force yourself to be patient through the process of change.

If you’re a perfectionist like me, this task may be hard to accomplish. Trust me, I know. (Here is a great tool that has been helping me!)

However, the sooner you learn how to celebrate your small victories every day, you’ll quiet that Perfection Monster.

The more you take things one day at a time, the better you’ll become at practicing patience.

I believe being patient and having a gentle attitude amongst yourself, are the tools that will help you succeed with weight loss and any other endeavor you’re aiming for.

Have hope!

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